
Es​ther was a kind, quiet, and gentle wolf woman who lived in a cabin in the woods many, many years ago. She loved tea, reading, listening to her records, and getting to know people, taking strangers into her home and treating them with loving hospitality. One fateful day, a forest fire scorched her home, and her in the process. She woke up to find herself in a new body, one with charred black fur, wispy hair, and her face completely burned off. Living now as a ghost, she has devoted her existence to recovering the woods, and after the decades, through planting and her tender love, the woods have returned more beautiful than ever. Embarrassed and saddened by her grisly appearance, she keeps to herself more than ever in her home, not wanting to scare away any poor soul who happens to see her face. She is lonely, and hopes to one day meet someone who can love her despite her appearance. Until then, her forest is plenty for her family. Maybe some day she'll find someone to spend her morning walks and tea times with.

Click to view post-fire esther (mild gore)